Glenview Spine Specialists
If you suffer from back pain, know that you aren’t alone. The CDC has stated that “activity-limiting low back pain … has a worldwide lifetime prevalence of approximately 39% and a similar annual prevalence of 38%.” What’s more, statistics aggregator Statista states that more than half of all American adults have had to put up with neck or back pain for at least five years. Clearly, spinal ailments are a common problem that often doesn’t go away on its own.
Given the size and location of Glenview, Illinois, it’s a foregone conclusion that family, friends, and possibly even you yourself have firsthand knowledge about back pain. Located near The Windy City’s famous Loop, Glenview boasts a population of nearly 50,000, numerous historical landmarks, and the presence of major companies such as Abt Electronics, Kraft Foods, and Astellas Pharma. But no matter whether you live in or around the area, our Glenview spine surgeons are here to help.
Treating Spine Disorders in Glenview, IL
If you’ve learned to live with your back pain, you may find yourself wondering, “How do you treat a spinal disorder? Is it possible to cure it with exercise? Or should I just let it run its course?” Those questions are hard to answer with a simple “yes” or “no.” Because the spine is a complex part of human anatomy and everyone is different, one can’t just give a declarative response.
However, the fellowship-trained doctors at The Spine Center have more than 50 years of experience and a commitment to patient education, so we can provide you with some general guidelines! Time, exercise, and lifestyle changes often minimize or even eliminate back pain. Effective non-invasive treatment options also exist. Still, some cases may require surgical intervention. Our Glenview spine surgeons specialize in the following:
- Lumbar Microdiscectomy
- Pediatric and Adult Scoliosis Surgery
- Anterior Cervical Discectomy & Fusion
- Spinal Cord Stimulation
- Cervical & Lumbar Decompression, Laminectomy, and Spinal Fusion
- Spinal Osteotomy
- Anterior Spinal Fusion
- Cervical Laminoplasty
- Artificial Disc Replacement
Common Spine Ailments
Sometimes spine ailments result from simple things such as soft tissue injury, mild strains, or physical trauma. The same or similar symptoms, though, can indicate serious problems, such as:
- Spinal osteoarthritis
- Idiopathic, congenital, or neuromuscular scoliosis
- Syringomyelia
- Spinal Stenosis
- Cauda Equina Syndrome
- Herniated or “slipped” spinal discs
- Kyphosis
- Ankylosing spondylosis
- Spinal Tumors
When You Should See a Doctor for Back Pain?
Not every kind of discomfort is created equal. Specific symptoms may indicate that you need to see a Glenview, IL spine surgeon sooner rather than later. These may include:
- constant stiffness or aching
- lumbar pain after sitting for a long time
- abrupt pain that’s sharp and localized
- pain that affects your posture
- any loss of sensation or weakness in the extremities
Though these symptoms are serious, they don’t necessarily indicate a medical emergency. But if you’re experiencing any of the following, you should immediately call 911:
- an inability to control your bladder of bowels
- a fever with concomitant back pain
- physical trauma that results in ongoing back pain
Sciatica Surgery
That distinctive form of radiating pain that stretches down the lower back, through a buttock, and into a leg isn’t actually a syndrome or disease. It’s a symptom that’s come to be known as sciatica. It may originate from conditions as easy to manage as obesity, but more troublesome problems such as cauda equina syndrome, lumbar disc herniation, or osteoarthritis may be to blame. If your pain is severe, a physician may order diagnostic tests to discover the underlying cause.
Scoliosis Treatment
When your spine deviates to one side or another by 10 or more degrees, you will receive a scoliosis diagnosis. A disease that usually affects adolescents and the elderly, it may occur because of:
- Injuries
- Birth defects
- Disc degeneration
- Neuromuscular conditions
- Genetic factors
Most doctors won’t recommend surgery until the spine’s later curve reaches or exceeds a deviation of 50 degrees. At that point, surgical intervention may be required to prevent organ damage.
Spinal Fusion
Spinal pain often originates from the movement of two or more ruptured discs. When necessary, our Glenview spine surgeons can fuse them together, eliminating the cause of the discomfort. Know that The Spine Center also specializes in minimally invasive surgical techniques!
Our team of Glenview, IL spinal surgeons specializes in minimally invasive spinal procedures, and we always approach each case with a conservative, patient-education-focused orientation. In instances where we need to fuse two or more spinal discs, our physicians will always discuss all options and discuss how to get you back to maximal functioning.
How Orthopedic Surgeons Can Help You
The highly educated and fellowship-trained physicians at The Spine Center have a simple goal: They want to help you enjoy a maximally functional life that has a little pain as possible. They employ research-supported techniques and remain committed to helping patients know all of their options. Contact us and set up an appointment to learn how we can help.